Quicker problem solving for food safety

An online scientific and technical knowledge platform is hoping to solve problems faster than currently possible.

The IICIIO portal ensures that companies are aware of the most recent published information and don’t waste time researching or reading out of date data, leaving more time for action to tackle the issue.

The platform, launched this week, is being started in the dairy industry to help with food allergen concerns, the developments on heat treatment of milk or fouling and cleaning of heat exchangers.

Other issues include Listeria Monocytogenes in the formation of biofilms, E.coli in raw milk and Cronobacter in powered infant formula.

How it works

The information platform has two parts: one is the insights module where 20 topics are given which provide information for particular segments within the industry.

The other part is the solving problem section, said the firm which is a division of Vermote Consulting.

Christian Vermote, managing director, of Vermote Consulting told FoodQualityNews.com that it helps companies solve food safety problems.

“How we are doing this practically speaking, is we have an information platform and companies can provide their problems to us via this information platform,” he said during the EU Food Manufacturing and Safety Summit in Noordwijk, The Netherlands.

“This problem will be cut into smaller pieces in different topics, for each of the topics we will do an extensive literature search after which we bring the information back together. From this we distil the different routes via which they can solve the problem.”

Problem solving

He said it provides a different route or the means for the quality manager or production director can solve the problem they have on food safety.

Firms contact IICIIO and pay a yearly access fee and get access via a work portal, said Vermote.

“Via the same information platform they will have the opportunity to ask us questions after receiving the problem or questions on which they want more information we will contact them to make sure we have understood their request correctly,” he added.

“After which we provide an estimate on the cost and the time it takes. Typically for an average problem it will take us two or three days to do it.

“We don’t claim that we are experts in food safety, the quality manager, the production manager know their company very well and we are experts in how to solve problems.”