Don't focus simply on Neomil 1 infant formula caesarean claims: Rontis


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Don't focus simply on Neomil 1 infant formula caesarean claims: Rontis

Related tags Infant formula Breastfeeding Immune system

Rontis has urged potential distributors not to focus entirely on the claim that its Neomil 1 product is the "best choice" infant formula for babies born by caesarean section.

DairyReporter.com's caught up with Rontis last week at Vitafoods Europe 2014 in Geneva, where the Swiss firm was exhibiting its prebiotic- and probiotic-enriched Neomil 1 infant formula - a product it claims is the "best choice for not breast fed infants and for those underwent caesarean section."

"In case of cesarean delivered infants or/and when breast feeding is not feeding is not enough or feasible, Neomil 1 with probiotics B.lactis is step closer to the enhancement of the immune system, the promotion of normal intestinal flora establishment and allergy prevention," ​Rontis claims.

Despite this strength of this claim, which Rontis says its "supported by literature"​, Zoe Konstantinidou, nutrition division product manager, urged potential distributors not to focus purely on the benefits to babies born by C-section.

“It doesn’t exclude normal delivery,"​ she said.

"It’s the whole idea of doing the best for the infant in the first six months, which are crucial.”

The entire Neomil range, which was launched around one-and-a-half years ago, can currently be found on shelves in Russia, Greece, and Albania. Rontis has, however, "seen great interest...from all over the world,"​ said Konstantinidou.

"We're hoping to find new distributors, and we're sure after this exhibition, because we've seen great interest, we will find some of them. We're still growing, it is very early for us, it's only been a year and a half for Neomil in the market, and we hope for the best,"​ she added.

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