Glanbia reveals use of Qadex software

Glanbia Performance Nutrition has spoken out about its use of Qadex Vision software to manage parts of its business.  

Working with Glanbia, the Qadex team have tailored a mini-specification module as the standard one was too large.

All ingredients are now linked by SAP number, reducing errors and saving time.

The company have used the contact function to help with mass marketing messages and requests for compliance and regulatory responses, which has saved administration.

Gill Dando, supplier quality assurance manager at Glanbia Performance Nutrition, said now that more and more suppliers are using it, its strengths continue to increase.

Glanbia is a performance nutrition and ingredients group and its UK technical team, based in Middlesbrough, is relatively small to deal with the national scale of the business.

Qadex Vision software ensures businesses are compliant at all times, and has the power to decrease complaints, protect brand reputation and even reduce company costs

The software automatically chases suppliers for certificates and specifications, and carries out risk assessments – allowing managers and administrators to focus on running a business.