The site has 750 users including Iggesund Paperboard, Tetra Pak, Flextrus, Atria Foodservice, TOPPAN packaging, Ecolean, Fonterra, BioGaia, BillerudKorsnäs and Stora Enso and the platform has two parts; a place to build an idea or share a challenge. There are currently 175 live ideas and 32 challenges.
Interest from the US, Japan & Brazil
Johan Moltensen, project leader, OpenUp, told FoodProductionDaily the site is free for members to register and currently has users from Sweden and Germany and has seen interest from the US, Japan and Brazil.
“We’ve been driving the project for two years and seen a great uptake in the last year. There are challenges ahead that require collaboration within the industry such as; sustainability, digitalization, individualization, globalization, and health, and what has changed is the transparency – the way in which we do things,” he said.
“The industry is more open through social media today, we promote our achievements through LinkedIn more than we did before, and people use the internet to search for someone who has a certain competence in their field.
“With digitalization it’s much easier to connect globally. People can give feedback online and the shift of control has changed because consumers have more power to say what they want and drive change.”
According to Moltensen, people can connect to Open Up without geographically being in the same place and digital is a great platform to make use of in the future.
Reach out to people in the packaging industry
“We want to help the industry and our members to reach out to people in the packaging industry, to get feedback on their ideas,” he added.
“Rather than go to every company and trade fair, we want to create a place to get feedback directly from those who have knowledge in packaging, or a portal for people to show their competence, not just by posting a job profile, but by creating ideas or answering a challenge.
“This is how we think the future will be and how to use digital tools to promote an idea or profile to give those in the industry more exposure.”
Open Up will host a series of events throughout the year with the next conference about Consumer Behaviour, on Friday, February 27, at financial newspaper Äripäev, in Tallinn, Estonia.
The conference will look at how retailers can understand their customers better; how different actions by retailers and the retail environment itself affects consumer decision-making; what are the current trends and what will the future bring in this field.