Polish Dairy to offer whey powder on GDT Events, California Dairies joins Marketplace

Global Dairy Trade (GDT) is reintroducing whey powder to its suite of product groups offered on the GDT Events platform.

GDT has also announced US cooperative California Dairies Inc (CDI) has been added to the GDT Marketplace online dairy trading platform.

From Trading Event 212 on May 15, 2018, Polish Dairy will offer sweet whey powder, building on the sales it has achieved with its lactose and skim milk powder (SMP) products.

Sweet whey powder was available on the GDT Events platform for seven months from September 2014 but has not been offered by any sellers since then.

Increasing Polish sales

Eric Hansen, director of GDT, said whey powder represents a significant portion of globally-traded dairy ingredients. 

Polish Dairy chief executive Mirosław Szczepański said accessing a mechanism for discovering prices in global markets has become increasingly important as Poland’s dairy production capacity scales up.

“Poland is now the fifth largest producer of milk in the EU,” Szczepański said.

“Polish Dairy has already achieved solid sales of lactose and skim milk powder via GDT Events, and we look forward to leveraging this success across a wider product range. We know there is growing demand for whey powder that we can satisfy.”

CDI joins GDT Marketplace

CDI becomes the seventh seller from the US to join the GDT Marketplace.

“We are delighted to have a seller of CDI’s scale and market position listing product on GDT Marketplace,” Hansen said.

Products offered by CDI will include:

Anhydrous Milkfat & Butter Oil


-              80% Salted Sweet Cream (Domestic)

-              80% Unsalted Sweet Cream (Domestic)

-              82%/16 Unsalted Sweet Cream (Export)

-              82%/16 Lactic (Export)

Buttermilk Powder

-              BMP Heat Stable

Milk Protein Concentrate

-              MPC 70

CDI is a member-owned milk marketing and processing co-operative owned by over 400 California dairy families, producing 43% of California’s milk or 9% of the milk produced in the US.  It has sales of more than $4bn across all 50 states, and in more than 50 countries.

Hansen said GDT Marketplace now connects 15 registered sellers and 287 registered buyers from around the world, enabling transactions of any dairy product at any time, with no minimum constraints.

Dave Treiber, vice president of bulk, industrial & export sales of CDI said  the GDT Marketplace online sales channel would significantly expand the co-operative’s global reach.

“We will offer multiple products on GDT Marketplace.  Buyers’ response will give us real-time purchasing data and open new trading opportunities with multiple buyers in the world’s key dairying regions,” Treiber said.