Lallemand Specialty Cultures adds new blend of strains for cheese

Canadian company Lallemand Specialty Cultures (LSC) has added a new product for makers of soft bloomy rind cheeses with the launch of the VELV-TOP BL PB1: a blend of strains from the company’s cell bank that includes more than a thousand lactic, surface and ripening strains.

VELV-TOP BL PB1 is LSC’s newest product to address specific market needs. It produces a visually similar surface to that delivered by Penicillium candidum with all the technological advantages of Geotrichum candidum.

LSC said the synergetic effect between the strains delivers key advantages to the product:

• Fast coverage hence opportunity for an earlier packaging;

• Thin, velvety white surface;

• Low proteolytic and lipolytic activities that enhance the cheese texture while delivering fruity flavor notes;

• Reduced bitterness and mushroom flavor.

VELV-TOP BL PB1 complements the range of more than 15 LSC Penicillium and Geotrichum products for the production of soft bloomy rind cheeses.