Regulation & safety

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France to allow ‘probiotic’ on food supplements labels

By Stephen Daniells

France's General Directorate for Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Prevention (DGCCRF), part of its Ministry of the Economy, has announced that the term “probiotic” will be allowed on the labels of food supplements in the country.

Image: Gettyimages-XiXinXing

CSPI: More transparency needed on school milk nutrition

By Teodora Lyubomirova

An analysis of the nutritional content of milks served in US schools shows many do not adhere to school nutrition standards or the Dietary Guidelines for Americans on added sugar or sodium, says nonprofit the Center for Science in the Public Interest...


Morbier: The cheese’s ash line to be PDO-protected

By Teodora Lyubomirova

The ruling means that the cheese’s iconic appearance cannot be reproduced by cheesemakers based outside the protected designation of origin (PDO) area – even if their product isn't called ‘Morbier’.


Coughing cattle? It could be lungworm

By Teodora Lyubomirova

With the fall comes cold and flu season, but whilst coughing in humans may not be an immediate sign of danger, bovines exhibiting this behavior could be harboring a much more serious disease.

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FDA to focus on improving infant formula industry’s accountability

By Teodora Lyubomirova

An internal review of the US Food and Drug Administration’s handling of the US infant formula supply shortage has put the industry’s food safety culture under scrutiny – with the FDA likely to devise sector-specific best practices to avoid future emergencies.


New Zealand to tweak export quota allocation rules

By Teodora Lyubomirova

The government is set to review the country’s dairy quota allocation system to ensure it’s ‘working well for everyone’ as exporters look to take advantage of the free trade agreements with the UK and the EU.

Ten of the 12-strong jury voted for a not guilty verdict. Image: GettyImages/Chris Ryan

Trial of former Blue Bell Creameries CEO Paul Kruse ends

By Teodora Lyubomirova

Jurors failed to reach a unanimous decision whether to convict or acquit the former president of Blue Bell Creameries for allegedly concealing from the public why contaminated ice cream was being pulled from shelves.