Food alerts underline safety needs
The number of food-linked alerts in the European Union leapt by over 40 per cent in 2003 on the previous year, with the majority sourced in the 'old' member states.
The number of food-linked alerts in the European Union leapt by over 40 per cent in 2003 on the previous year, with the majority sourced in the 'old' member states.
A UK company claims it has found a solution which eliminates the need for costly, adhesive labelling on dairy product packaging, Tom Armitage reports.
Against the backdrop of soaring prices for locust bean gum, getting the best price for the customer is a challenge hydrocolloid producers must meet if they want to ensure ongoing contracts, reports Lindsey Partos.
Unilever's cholesterol-lowering Becel Pro.activ milk drink has become the fifth product to earn a product-specific health claim under Sweden's health claims system.