
Danone withdraws marquee probiotic health claims (again)

Danone withdraws marquee probiotic health claims (again)

By Shane Starling

Almost a year to the day after Danone first withdrew submissions for its best-selling probiotic yoghurts from the European Union health claims system, the French dairy giant has pulled its claims from the system once again.

EFSA rejects Danone’s infant immunity prebiotic claim

EFSA health claim opinion

EFSA rejects Danone’s infant immunity prebiotic claim

By Shane Starling

Danone Baby Nutrition says the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) failed to engage in “direct scientific dialogue” in the lead-up to the agency’s scientists handing it a negative opinion for a prebiotic-infant immunity health claim in December.

Beauty yoghurt turns ugly for Danone

Beauty yoghurt turns ugly for Danone

By Shane Starling

After little more than two years, Danone has pulled its beauty-from-the-inside spoonable yoghurt, Essensis, from French retail shelves, despite a re-launch in 2008.

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