
Dairy Crest has frozen the price it pays its farmers for milk

Dairy Crest to hold milk price for October

By Laurence Gibbons

Dairy Crest will hold the milk price it pays its farmers for October, both for its Davidstow and liquid milk contracts, according to the business.

Dairy Crest fire puts biomass boiler out of action

Fire at Dairy Crest’s Davidstow site

By Nicholas Robinson

A fire at Dairy Crest’s Davidstow cheese production facility in Cornwall has left the site’s biomass boiler in need of repair.

Raisio CEO Matti Rihko: “All in all a good performance...

Competition remains fierce in cholesterol-lowering niche

Benecol buy-back boosts Raisio Q2 results


Sales and profits were up in Q2 at Raisio, with CEO of the €500m Finnish agro-food player Matti Rihko content its re-housing of key brand Benecol was paying off.

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