Regulation & safety

Teens need a calcium boost

Teens need a calcium boost

New research appears to absolve the soft drinks industry from
responsibility for the low calcium intake among US adolescents but
it suggests that creative and effective ways of increasing levels
of the mineral, such as through fortified...

Dairy may fight obesity

Dairy may fight obesity

There has been an increase in health conscious consumers in recent
times and as a result products that make health claims (functional
foods) have been driving the dairy sector's growth. However, a new
study has suggested that...

Dairy danger

Dairy danger

UK dairy farmers using a new cup-removal system in their rotary
milking sheds are being warned to check for potentially fatal
trapping points. The announcement follows the death of a Riversdale

Safer milk

Safer milk

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) has released
information aimed at advising dairy farmers on best food safety

Extending dairy shelf life

Extending dairy shelf life

Research carried out at the Texas A&M university shows how
increasing the pressure during the milk homogenisation process
could improve dairy industry consumer products of tomorrow, claim
scientists this week.

Probiotic project

Probiotic project

As probiotics find increasing favour with food manufacturers a new
European funded study, PROGID, is set to investigate the impact of
two probiotic strains on easing the symptoms of inflammatory bowel
diseases (IBD).

Assessing gut bacteria

Assessing gut bacteria

An EU-funded project has developed new tools that enable more
extensive and rapid analysis of our gut microbiota than has been
possible earlier. Better knowledge of the microbiota may help
scientists to prevent gut diseases or improve...

FDA inspects NZ dairy sites

FDA inspects NZ dairy sites

Dairy multinational Fonterra, has confirmed that the US Food &
Drug Administration has inspected two of its New Zealand
manufacturing sites as part of the agency's moves to step up
vigilance of all major food manufacturer's...