All news articles for July 22, 2020

Dairy Dialog podcast 92: Danone, Food Union, SwissDeCode, Digi.Bio  Pics: Danone, Food Union, Getty Images/pixinoo

Dairy Dialog podcast 92: Danone, Food Union, SwissDeCode, Digi.Bio

By Jim Cornall

Guests on the podcast this week are Normunds Staņēvičs, CEO of Food Union, Europe; Paul Kennedy, global nature & sustainability manager, Specialized Nutrition at Danone; and Federico Muffatto, CEO at Digi.Bio and Brij Sahi, co-founder & CEO at...

SIG is extending its range of PAC.ENGAGE QR code solutions into closures with the launch of ‘One Cap, One Code,' which enables food and beverage customers to apply QR codes to the inside of closures.  Pic: SIG

SIG launches QR code marketing inside closures

By Jim Cornall

SIG is extending its range of PAC.ENGAGE QR code solutions into closures with the launch of ‘One Cap, One Code’ for one-to-one online marketing opportunities.