Big brands

Lead author: “I think that the headlines in the papers do rather misrepresent the principal findings of the study...

Study compares 8 probiotic products' efficacy

Empty stomach: Probiotics professor clarifies findings of efficacy study


A soon-to-be-published UK study has questioned the efficacy of several on-shelf probiotic products after testing eight including giants Yakult and Danone – but the lead author tells us its key findings have been distorted in the press.

Picture: Danone. Examples of the firm's products


Danone Nutricia: The more we know the more we have to solve

By Joseph James Whitworth

Industry development meaning potential food safety hazards are detected more than ever before is leading to a need to know more, according to Danone Nutricia.

Arla will triple whey hydrolysates output by 2016

Arla pours €38m into facility to meet whey demand


Dairy giant Arla's ingredients business is building a new whey processing facility for €38m to meet rising demand for the dairy fraction in infant, sports and clinical nutrition.

Larry Keener

Speakers include former Unilever product safety director

Top of the agenda: Nonthermal Processing

By Jenny Eagle

The Ohio State University will host the 2014 International Nonthermal Processing Workshop with the theme “Nonthermal Processing Systems for Healthy and Sustainable Foods” on October 21-24, sponsored by Avure Technologies and Multivac.

DSM Q2 nutrition profits slip 11% as key markets struggle

DSM Q2 nutrition profits slip 11% as key markets struggle


Sales slipped 6% and net profits 11% in Q2 for DSM’s human and animal nutrition arm as adverse currency movements, a slow US vitamins and omega-3 food supplements market and the Asian botulism infant formula scare affected earnings.

Breast is best: Punjab gov sets new infant formula labelling rules

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Labelling of infant formula sold in the Pakistani department of Punjab must now include the warning “mother’s milk is the best food for your baby and helps in preventing diarrhoea and other illnesses,” according to new prohibition and guidance rules released...

StimuLearn with Nestlé’s Nido

StimuLearn with Nestlé’s Nido

By Jenny Eagle

Nestlé’s milk drink brand Nido has launched a free interactive educational app called StimuLearn to improve children’s memory and attention.

Amcor LiquiForm to be commercialised in two years

Joint venture with Sidel, Yoshino Kogyosho & Nestlé Waters

Amcor LiquiForm to be commercialised in two years

By Jenny Eagle

Amcor’s LiquiForm, which uses consumable liquid instead of compressed air to hydraulically form and fill a container on one machine simultaneously will be commercialized in two to three years’ time.

Mead Johnson Nutrition: A Danone target?

Is Danone feeling the need for Mead?


 Danone shares rose today as rumours strengthened the French dairy giant would sell its medical and paediatric nutrition business (Nutricia), but is the firm streamlining its activities around its core foods businesses or just shifting infant-medical...

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