
EFSA’s antioxidant rejections could be blessing in disguise

EFSA’s antioxidant rejections could be blessing in disguise

Timber! The latest axe blow from EFSA has fallen, and this time it has taken one of the biggest trees in the nutrition forest: Antioxidants. But let’s not mourn the loss of the tree; let’s look forward to the new opportunities a clear view of the sky...

Do drink makers have stomach for anti-obesity fight?

Do drink makers have stomach for anti-obesity fight?

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Bravo! The beverage industry has responded enthusiastically to Mrs. Obama’s campaign to tackle childhood obesity - but there’d better be more than froth behind that sparkling rhetoric.

EFSA rejects Danone’s infant immunity prebiotic claim

EFSA health claim opinion

EFSA rejects Danone’s infant immunity prebiotic claim

By Shane Starling

Danone Baby Nutrition says the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) failed to engage in “direct scientific dialogue” in the lead-up to the agency’s scientists handing it a negative opinion for a prebiotic-infant immunity health claim in December.

Yakult to commence US production in 2012

Yakult to commence US production in 2012

By Shane Starling

Japanese probiotics pioneer, Yakult Honsha, will commence manufacturing its little probiotic dairy bottles in the US for the first time in 2012, the company has announced, as it seeks to move into eastern seaboard US states.

Why Haiti must stay on the CSR agenda

Why Haiti must stay on the CSR agenda

50,000 and counting. We'll probably never know exactly how many perished in the 7.0 earthquake that brought Haiti, quite literally, crashing down last Tuesday, 12th January 2010, just before 5pm. But for those who survived and who make it through...

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