
Seasonal Video Greetings From Decision News Media

Seasonal Video Greetings From Decision News Media

Welcome to this seasonal holiday video from Decision News Media.As we prepare to celebrate our tenth anniversary next year and first year as part of William Reed Business Media, we present 10 fun number facts about our company. And, later this week, the...

Trade groups gain long awaited EC health claims hearing

Dispatches from the NI Health Claims 2010 conference

Trade groups gain long awaited EC health claims hearing

By Stephen Daniells

Europe's leading trade groups are set for a meeting with the European Commission to discuss their concerns over the health claims assessment, and EFSA's reluctance to engage in dialogue.

Health claims: How do we define ‘healthy’?

Health claims: How do we define ‘healthy’?

By Stephen Daniells

With ‘healthy’ populations identified as the ideal for the European Food Safety Authority’s health claims, NutraIngredients asks Yakult – what exactly is healthy?

Counting the human cost of recession

Counting the human cost of recession

Return to profitability. It’s a phrase that businesses have been yearning for, but as more of them are starting to use it, it’s time to ask: At what cost?

Krill conflict could threaten omega-3 potential

Krill conflict could threaten omega-3 potential

The krill category and the science backing it are still emerging, but there are many who believe krill extracts have the potential to 'go big' in the healthy foods arena. Very big.

Life in a European health claims wasteland

Life in a European health claims wasteland

Ka-CHING! Hear that? No it’s not the sound of overflowing cash registers as consumers throw endless wads of euros at scientifically-backed, healthy foods in greater numbers than ever before.

Clinical trials are EFSA’s fool’s gold

Clinical trials are EFSA’s fool’s gold

There’s gold to be found in them health claims mountains, but prospectors from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) must be happy with the little chunks that add up to a lot, and stop searching for nuggets the size of your fist.

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