Regulation & safety

EU health claims evolution: New submission behaviours

EU health claims evolution: A submission rethink

By Nigel Baldwin

Now that the dust has settled on the health claims submission process we should all be very clear on the rules of engagement. Well kind of, says Nigel Baldwin, chief consultant in Intertek’s European office.

Most consumers don't know what EFSA is, experts find

Most consumers don't know what EFSA is, experts find

By Nathan Gray

Almost no German consumers know about the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), or understand the role it has in the approval of health claims for functional food products, according to experts.

Could the WTO overturn EU health claim laws?

Could the WTO overturn EU health claim laws?

By Shane Starling from Brussels

Aggrieved companies and  trade groups have already mounted legal actions against the EU’s strict health claim laws – they are in process – but the regulation’s workings could face fresh challenge from governments signed up to the World Trade Organization...

Quality and safety assurance drives down cost – FrieslandCampina


Product rejection: Quality and safety assurance drives down cost – FrieslandCampina


Product rejection and recall costs have the potential to run into the millions. Simply striving to drive up the quality and safety of finished products can reduce, or even avert, these unwanted additional outgoings, dairy processor FrieslandCampina told...

Raw milk law amendment would not ‘mitigate’ dangers - FDA

Raw milk law amendment would not ‘mitigate’ dangers - FDA


The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has rejected a petition that sought an exception to the current ban on the inter-state sale of raw milk products – citing a lack of proof that the amendment would "adequately mitigate the dangers posed by...

ASA-OK with us! Nestlé escapes ‘poor nutritional habits’ rap


ASA-OK with us! Nestlé escapes Nesquik rap on ‘poor nutritional habits’ claim


Nestlé milkshake brand Nesquik has escaped UK Advertising Standards Authority censure after viewers of a TV ad alleged that it encouraged ‘poor nutritional habits’ among children, but the Children's Food Campaign slammed the 'ever-accommodating...

EU health claim laws strip consumers of right ‘to share in scientific development’: Author

“Advancements made in nutritional science and the benefits produced by foods and foodstuffs may no longer be shared with consumers by those who procure the foods and foodstuffs."

EU health claim laws strip consumers of right ‘to share in scientific development’: Author

By Shane Starling

The European Union nutrition and health claims regulation (NHCR) denies consumers of the right to scientific advancement in nutrition, says outspoken Dutch writer and NHCR opponent, Bert Schwitters.

EFSA to deliver baby and children’s milk opinion

EFSA to deliver baby and children’s milk opinion

By Shane Starling

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has been asked by the EU to produce a report on the nutritional value of follow-on formulas and children’s or toddlers' milks that may inform labeling updates across the block.

American milk does not cause female moustache growth - NMPF

American milk does not cause female moustache growth - NMPF


The US National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) has dismissed claims by the deputy chief of the Russia food safety authority that women who consume US milk from cows treated with bovine somatotropin (bST) are at risk of growing unwanted facial hair.

Serbia orders measures to control aflatoxin level in milk

Serbia orders measures to control aflatoxin level in milk

By Mark Astley

The Serbian government has ordered dairy farmers in the country to implement “necessary” measures to control aflatoxin levels in the milk they produce in response to a mass recall of dairy products and widespread safety concerns.

Around the world in numerous food labeling ways

Around the world in numerous food labeling ways

By Shane Starling

Smart food labelling must emphasise good science and careful thought about consumer impact, the European Food Information Council has concluded after completing an exhaustive global survey.

Fonterra: Why we need to talk about what's in our food

Right to reply

Fonterra: Why we need to talk about what's in our food

By Theo Spierings, CEO of Fonterra Co-operative Group

Last week, we published a critique of Fonterra's actions during the DCD furore, which saw lengthy delays between identifying the presence of minute quantities of the chemical in the company's milk. Having requested a right to reply, Fonterra's...

EFSA rejects 6 article 13.5 opinions

EFSA rejects 6 article 13.5 health claim opinions

By Shane Starling

EFSA’s health claims panel has rejected 6 article 13.5 health claims for two digestion-focused probiotic submissions; cranberry and UTI; a potato extract and weight management; krill and menstrual discomfort; and fizzy water and GI response.

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