Regulation & safety

EU food marketing expert: Consumers don't understand probiotic health claims ban

Live from Probiotech and Microbiota 2013

EU food marketing expert: Consumers don't understand probiotic health claims ban

By Shane Starling in Brussels

Most consumers know little to nothing about the EU health claim system, the European Food Safety Authority nor why a blanket ban has been imposed on probiotic marketing across the bloc, a functional food marketing expert told a conference this morning.

New Zealand reassures Chinese consumers in wake of Fonterra DCD crisis

Chemical contamination

New Zealand reassures Chinese consumers in wake of Fonterra DCD crisis

By RJ Whitehead

New Zealand’s government has started a PR offensive to limit the impact of last week’s revelations that low levels of chemical residue were discovered in dairy products from the country, and Chinese consumers find themselves high on its charm list.

NZ reiterates safety of dairy as DCD concerns spread

NZ reiterates safety of dairy as DCD concerns spread

By Mark Astley

The New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has moved to reiterate the safety of New Zealand dairy products and defuse “concerns” about the use of dicyandiamide (DCD), as reports emerge that some importers have begun screening Kiwi dairy shipments.

US highlights food fraud perils

US highlights food fraud perils

By Rod Addy

Seafood, clouding agents and lemon juice are the latest categories targeted by food fraudsters flagged up by the US Pharmacopeial (USP) Convention’s Food Fraud Database.

FDA facing court over failure to respond to raw milk petition

FDA facing court over failure to respond to raw milk petition

By Mark Astley

Raw milk dairy Organic Pastures has filed a lawsuit against the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) alleging that the agency repeatedly failed to respond to its petition to amend a law that forbids the sale of raw milk-based dairy products across state...

Vox pop: December 14 EU health claim deadline

December 14 EU health claims deadline

Stakeholder vox pop: December 14 EU health claim deadline

By Shane Starling

With the December 14 enforcement of the EU's article 13 general function health claim list that includes 200+ approved claims and about 1500 rejections just two days away (after a six month lay-period), we polled key players for core reactions.

UK dairy 'Producer Organisation' consultation launched

UK dairy 'Producer Organisation' consultation launched

By Mark Astley

The UK Department for Environment, Farming and Rural Affairs (Defra) has launched a consultation on the proposed implementation of rules that would allow English dairy farmers to form Producer Organisations (POs).

Ajinomoto wins EU chilli extract approval

Ajinomoto wins EU chilli extract approval

By Shane Starling

Japanese supplier Ajinomoto’s chilli extract has won European Union Novel Foods status at various levels in 22 foodstuffs including flavoured waters, meal replacements, baked goods and sugar-free gum.

Provexis winner criticises EU health claims enforcement

Provexis winner: EU health claims enforcement may dish rotten tomatoes

By Steve Morrison

Steve Morrision was the COO at Provexis when the UK start-up won the EU‘s first ever article 13.5 health claim for its blood circulation-boosting tomato extract called Fruitflow in 2009. The now-consultant has serious qualms about how the EU’s health...

Vitamins celebrate centenary with EU health claim gifts

Vitamins: A Centenary of essential nutrients

Birthday gifts: Vitamins celebrate centenary with EU health claim wins

By Shane Starling

2012 is turning out to be a very good year for the vitamins sector. Aside from the feel good factor of the essential nutrients turning 100, vitamins have also won a bag of health claims in the European Union to go with those already existing in other...

Daisy is the result of three years' research and is the first of her kind in the world

Right to reply

World’s first GE cow is a ‘milestone study’

Last week, FoodNavigator-Asia published an opinion piece by the anti-GE pressure group, GE-free NZ, that criticised AgResearch, the New Zealand research institute. In the article, the author made reference to the institute’s work in breeding a cow that...

Long-awaited specialist foods provisions set for EU lawbooks

PARNUTS update: Specialist foods reforms due for EU lawbooks

By Shane Starling

Revision of the laws governing specialist food products like sports foods, infant foods and gluten-free foods is set for a final vote in the European Parliament in December or January, 2013, with the leading industry group broadly welcoming the passage.

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