Functional dairy

Tesco to improve dairy industry support

Tesco to improve dairy industry support

By Oliver Haenlein

British supermarket Tesco has announced that its biggest farming group, the Tesco Sustainable Dairy Group (TSDG), is aiming to expand the amount of dairy farms it supports by a quarter.

Simon Coveney (2nd left): “We are going to have a lot more people and a lot more people choosing protein-based diets.”

Exclusive interview: Simon Coveney, Irish Food & Agriculture Minister

Irish government sticks to milk mining guns as prices plunge


Seven years ago the Irish government backed a collaborative industry-academic milk mining project to add value to the country’s dairy sector. Some have questioned why commercially usable research results have not been more forthcoming but here the Irish...

EFSA: “The fact we are here is an indication we are willing to commit to dialogue.”

Open book: The future of probiotic marketing in Europe

By Shane Starling in Brussels

‘Openness’ and ‘better dialogue’ between industry, scientists and regulators were themes of the day as the newly minted European chapter of the International Probiotics Association (IPA-Europe) launched itself with a mini-congress in Brussels yesterday.

Dairy debunked: Ingredients could benefit SE Asian physiology

SE Asia dairy focus

Dairy debunked: Ingredients could benefit SE Asian physiology

By RJ Whitehead

For generations, Southeast Asia has been a black hole for dairy, mainly because lactose has been seen as incompatible with regional physiology. But that is changing, says Sharon Gerdes, a food scientist and author. Ingredients like whey permeates could...

Baby Milk Action & Nestlé back WHO statement on breastfeeding: “...sends the right signals and can help the cause...

Nestlé backs WHO breastfeeding stance


The world’s biggest infant formula maker Nestlé has backed a World Health Organisation (WHO) statement supporting exclusive breastfeeding of infants until the age of six months.

Raisio CEO Matti Rihko: “All in all a good performance...

Competition remains fierce in cholesterol-lowering niche

Benecol buy-back boosts Raisio Q2 results


Sales and profits were up in Q2 at Raisio, with CEO of the €500m Finnish agro-food player Matti Rihko content its re-housing of key brand Benecol was paying off.

65+ population to almost double to 1.1bn by 2030; protein seen as a big opportunity

Food industry fail? Elderly nutrition

By Lauren Bandy

The food industry is missing a billion euro trick when it comes to ageing population, says Lauren Bandy, senior nutrition analyst at Euromonitor International.

'Allergies in childhood can be the first step of an allergic cascade leading to multiple allergies later in life,' says Nestlé

patent watch

Nestlé files patent for pregnancy probiotic

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Nestlé has filed a patent for probiotics to be taken during pregnancy and lactation, which it says help reduce the risk of allergies for the infant. 

Probiotic drinking yoghurts have been hit by the EU ban on probiotic marketing

Special edition: Immunity

Pre- & Probiotics market snap-shot; ban to cost €1.5bn by 2020 in EU6


The EU’s ban on prebiotics and probiotics as marketing tools has cost the market €500m and will cost a further €1bn by 2020 according to Euromonitor International data – and that’s just drinking yoghurt. Other formats have also been hit.

'Value has been torn out of the UK milk market in recent years, as a result of the grocery retailer price wars': Mintel

How food industry can boost milk’s value: fortify it

By Michael Stones

Fortified milk could help to boost the value of milk sales, despite supermarket price war slashing the price of the white stuff to as little as 89p for a four pint bottle, according to new research from market research organisation Mintel.

“This expansion to the world's most populated country supports Raisio’s aim to open up new markets for Benecol products together with its licensing partners...

Benecol enters China


Finnish food-agriculture giant Raisio has launched its cholesterol-lowering, plant stanol-based Benecol brand in China in a powder form via mostly medical channels in its big coastal cities.

Consumers want milk ‘with benefits tailored to them’: Datamonitor


Consumers want milk ‘with benefits tailored to them’: Datamonitor


Dairies can recover market share lost to non-dairy alternatives, such as almond milk, by developing milk products tailored to the meet the nutritional needs of specific groups, says Datamonitor Consumer.

Food firms are 'wishing up' to the cash rich ageing consumer market

'Stay active in old age' - dairy targets the elderly

By Nicholas Robinson

Arla Foods Ingredients has responded to a rise in elderly consumers in Europe by launching its Nutrilac Ageless whey protein and calcium ingredient, to boost protein content in yogurts and desserts.

IPA Europe is focused on winning EU probiotic health claims

“The new EC has spoken of better regulation and growth so we trust them to consider our position and argumentation."

IPA gathers forces in Brussels; seeks EC ear


The just-formed European iteration of the International Probiotics Association (IPA) has met for the first time at its new Brussels base with Danone, Dupont-Danisco, Chr Hansen, Yakult, Probi and Lallemand all in attendance.

Protein World claim making has been deemed unauthorised under EU law & heavily censored by the ASA

UK blows whistle on sports supplement claims


The UK advertising watchdog has muzzled meal replacement, muscle building, metabolism, L-carnitine, CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) and other claims being made by a UK based online manufacturer-retailer as it continues its claims crack down based on EU...

The groups seek to publish their findings in peer-reviewed journals

“The goal is to crystallise existing consensus..."

ILSI Europe establishes prebiotic and probiotic groups


The European branch of the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) has established separate working groups to investigate the microbiota, mechanisms of action and intestine barrier function.

GSK engaged rugby stars to promote Cyclone but has run into a QC maul

GSK: "We spent two years developing this product and as yet are not sure why this is happening.”

Glaxo withdraws MaxiNutrition creatine milk over choking concerns


In-bottle creatine crystallisation is behind a full UK recall of GlaxoSmithKline-owned MaxiNutrition Cyclone Milk products over choking concerns. GSK implemented the recall after customer complaints a spokesperson told us today.

The probiotic sector wants its claims back...

From the Gut Microbiota for Health congress in Barcelona, Spain

ISAPP: Can we reclaim the word probiotics?


EU-banned marketing terms like ‘probiotics’ need to be reclaimed and recently reworked definitions and criteria can help win ongoing regulatory and research battles, ISAPP told a microbiota congress in Barcelona on Saturday.

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