Functional dairy

'Probiota’s achievements record and the IPA’s powerful membership make this the industry’s must attend event.'

May 31 to June 2 2016, Chicago, Illinois. 270+ signed up

IPA & Probiota Americas partnership set to break records this week

Chicago will witness the biggest ever meeting of experts from the global pre- and probiotics industry, running today (May 31) until Thursday (June 2). The combined IPA World Congress and Probiota Americas event will unite more than 270 academics, business...

SNE: 'Under no circumstances can [infant formula] be compared to tobacco products...infant formula is one of the most highly regulated products in the world...' © iStock

European infant formula makers: We don't need more regulation

By Aurélie Perrichet

With the World Health Organisation (WHO) and respected British journal The Lancet recently calling for tighter regulation and enforcement to better control infant formulae marketing, Aurélie Perrichet executive director of sector group Specialised Nutrition...

Global omega-3 market set for 5% growth in next years according to GOED. © iStock

Special edition: Omega-3s

Omega-3 hits €28bn in 2015 – growth predicted

By Shane Starling

The global omega-3 finished product market was worth €28 billion in 2015 and is set for pan-sector growth in the coming years to add €5bn by 2018, despite sustainability and scientific challenges.

A study at Virginia Tech's Department of Food Science and Technology looked at the effect of iron contamination of cows' drinking water. Photo: iStock - Andriy_Yelizarov

Study says iron in cows’ drinking water affects milk

By Jim Cornall

Even a small amount of iron contamination in cows’ drinking water, or a milk processing plant, can cause changes in milk protein composition and oxidation in the final milk product, a Virginia Tech study shows.

Dairy Australia is receiving government funding for nitrogen use efficiency research. Photo: iStock-fotokostic

Australian dairy industry gets nitrogen cash boost

By Jim Cornall

Australian dairy is one of four agricultural industries that will benefit from a government-funded Rural Research and Development for Profit project to improve the efficient use of nitrogen.

Probiotics are “live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host.” (Picture: Istockphoto)

Do fermented foods contain probiotics? Not necessarily, says Ganeden

By Elaine Watson

Fermented foods such as sauerkraut, kombucha, kimchi and yogurts containing ‘live and active cultures’ are healthy and tasty, but they are not necessarily packed with probiotics, says Ganeden Inc, the Ohio-based firm behind one of the best-known probiotic...

Yakult is looking to grow in new markets, including Latin America, Asia and Eastern Europe.

Yakult sees net sales growth

By Jim Cornall

Japanese dairy products company Yakult has released its financial results for the year ending March 31, 2016, and they show an increase in net sales of 5.9%.

Photo: © iStockPhoto / spawns

Experts react to ‘waste of money’ headlines against probiotics

By Adi Menayang

A recent article posted on The Daily Beast went with the headline “Probiotics Are a Waste of Money for Healthy Adults.” The story itself is based on findings from a Danish study. We reached out to some people in the industry and academia for a second...

The new FOSS DairyScan analyzer is aimed at cheesemakers producing less than 7,000 tons of cheese per year.

FOSS introduces new cheese scanner

By Jim Cornall

FOSS has introduced the DairyScan, an analytical instrument for testing the fat and moisture content of cheese during production and at final product release.

A typical on-site CHP unit. Photo: Finning Power Systems.

Exclusive guest article on CHP from Finning Power Systems

Making the best of energy in your dairy

By Nigel Thompson

The process of turning raw milk into a finished product ready to be sold to customers requires an incredible amount of energy. At different times, it will need to be heated and cooled, all the while being stirred, processed and packed by electrical equipment.

A new Dairy Council booklet promotes the role of dairy products in addressing iodine deficiency issues. Photo: iStock - Antoine2K

Dairy Council issues booklet on iodine in dairy

By Jim Cornall

Certain groups of the UK population are classified as mildly iodine deficient, however, according to The Dairy Council, consuming milk, yogurt and cheese can help ensure that iodine requirements are met.

Bottling it? Probiotic marketing is banned in the EU based on the opinions of 'ill-equipped' experts, according to professor Reid. © iStock

Probiotics expert: 'Disband EFSA' and end destructive category confusion

By Lynda Searby

A leading probiotics academic has called for EFSA to be “disbanded” saying that the effect of the EU’s central food science agency’s treatment of probiotic claims has been “confusion in Europe”, and that the EU could learn from the Canadian approach to...

Dutch R&D company Newtricious has launched a new product, MacuView, following studies that point to its benefits for helping macular degeneration (AMD) sufferers.

From science to shelves: the development of MacuView

Study says MacuView helps with eye health and AMD

By Jim Cornall

A recent study published in the Journal of Ophthalmology has shown the benefits of consuming a dairy drink, MacuView, containing lutein-, zeaxanthin- and DHA-enriched egg yolk.

Chaotic distribution system provides fertile ground for fake formula

China direct

Chaotic distribution system provides fertile ground for fake formula

By RJ Whitehead

Chaotic sales channels are to blame for Chinese counterfeiting scandals such as the recent case involving 22,600 cans of fake milk powder produced and sold under the brands of US infant formula maker, Abbott, and Chinese infant formula maker, Beingmate.

Rivella is a Swiss product made from whey, herbs and fruit essences.

Special edition: Getting more from your milk

Whey permeate can help sports recovery drinks

By Jim Cornall

Despite the current ‘war on sugar,’ carbohydrate energy is a consumer need in sports nutrition, backed up by the most recently EU-approved health claim related to carbohydrates and recovery from exercise.

© iStock

Special edition: Protein perspectives

Whistle stop tour: Protein global


Western Europeans are numero uno when it comes to per-capita protein consumption; bread is surprisingly the most popular protein medium; and protein has well and truly invaded the healthy snacking category.

Expansion at Southwest Cheese in New Mexico, one of Glanbia's joint ventures, will increase milk processing capacity by up to 30%.

Glanbia explains strong results

By Jim Cornall

Glanbia released its financial results recently, as well as plans to expand its cheese factory in Wexford. DairyReporter took the opportunity to go a little deeper behind those financial results with the company.

Earlier this month at Probiota, Yolanda Sanz stated that microbiota changes should be linked to physiological or clinical outcomes of which a direct effect on human health can be attributed to a specific mechanism of action.

Dispatches from Probiota 2016

Recent risk-reduction claims ‘have not been positive,’ say EFSA.

By Will Chu

Earlier this month at Probiota in Amsterdam, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) stated that microbiota changes should be linked to physiological or clinical outcomes of which a direct effect on human health can be attributed to a specific mechanism...

Grated Parmesan cheese. Photo: iStock - HandmadePictures

Shredded Parmesan market growing despite wood pulp controversy

By Douglas Yu

After various media outlets reported that much of the shredded 100% Parmesan cheese in the US contains wood pulp this past week, sources told DairyReporter that the shredded Parmesan cheese is safe, and that the market will continue to grow.

The Ingredion report promotes fewer ingredients on labels, and use of words such as 'natural'. Photo: iStock - Pamela Moore

Ingredion report shows power of clean labels

By Jim Cornall

‘Cracking the Clean Label Code’, a study of 1,000 consumers, which was commissioned by ingredient provider Ingredion, promotes the clean label opportunity for manufacturers and retailers in the dairy and bakery categories.

Attendees of the Arla Food Ingredients seminar in Beijing heard about the latest whey protein research

Arla Foods Ingredients holds annual seminar

By Jim Cornall

At the recent Arla Foods Ingredients annual seminar in Beijing, Professor Yvan Vandenplas from UZ Brussel, Belgium, reviewed studies that have investigated useful alternatives to standard formulas made with cow’s milk.

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