Organic & high welfare farming

Kraft Foods files patent to protect spreadable high-protein cream cheese


Kraft Foods files patent to protect spreadable high-protein cream cheese


Kraft Foods has filed an international patent application covering production methods for high protein spreadable cream cheese compositions that it says overcomes traditional textural or smoothness problems.

Camels are suspected as the virus source but the routes of transmission remain unknown

MERS cases linked to camel milk – WHO

By Joseph James Whitworth

Four cases of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) have been linked to camel milk in Saudi Arabia, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

The EFSA scientific opinion stated that the evidence provided failed to substantiate a cause and effect relationship.

“The applicant provided 47 references which did not address the effects of L. plantarum TENSIA on BP."

EFSA issues fresh rejection for probiotic ‘heart cheese’ health claim

By Nathan Gray

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has delivered a negative opinion on a second dossier suggesting that a link a probiotic cheese can benefit blood pressure.

“Our comparison between brands and supermarkets within cheese types suggests that brand-led companies are not reducing salt content as much,

Big brands must step up to salt challenge, says CASH

By Nathan Gray

Large brands must step up their commitment to reducing salt, and match the progress being made by own-brand products from supermarkets, says CASH, as a new study shows salt levels in some cheeses are still too high.

Breast is best: Punjab gov sets new infant formula labelling rules

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Labelling of infant formula sold in the Pakistani department of Punjab must now include the warning “mother’s milk is the best food for your baby and helps in preventing diarrhoea and other illnesses,” according to new prohibition and guidance rules released...

Camembert was one of the cheeses tested

Real time PCR approach developed to detect Listeria

By Joseph James Whitworth

Researchers have developed a real time (rt-) polymerase chain reaction (PCR) protocol for the rapid and reliable identification and quantitative detection of Listeria monocytogenes.

 We agree that sucrose increases risk of dental caries, but there is no evidence that lactose is less cariogenic than other sugars, says NDA panel.

EFSA adopts essential infant formula composition opinion

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

EFSA has adopted its opinion on the essential infant formula composition following a period of public consultation which saw nearly 400 comments stream in on the likes of omega-3 form DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), probiotics, fluoride and sucrose's...

Asked if they trusted the dairy industry to fully purify milk, 70% of  under-25s said no.

Brits moving to non-dairy pastures: Mintel report

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

There is a growing trend towards dairy alternatives in the UK, with volume sales of cow-milk alternatives such as soya, rice and buffalo milk up 155% between 2011 and 2013, according to a Mintel report.

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