Big brands

EFSA: “The fact we are here is an indication we are willing to commit to dialogue.”

Open book: The future of probiotic marketing in Europe

By Shane Starling in Brussels

‘Openness’ and ‘better dialogue’ between industry, scientists and regulators were themes of the day as the newly minted European chapter of the International Probiotics Association (IPA-Europe) launched itself with a mini-congress in Brussels yesterday.

Baby Milk Action & Nestlé back WHO statement on breastfeeding: “...sends the right signals and can help the cause...

Nestlé backs WHO breastfeeding stance


The world’s biggest infant formula maker Nestlé has backed a World Health Organisation (WHO) statement supporting exclusive breastfeeding of infants until the age of six months.

Nationalism is not the solution - we're all in this milk price crisis together, says the Dutch Dairy Association (NZO)

Milk crisis nationalism is anti-EU, Dutch tell Commission

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Calls from the French National Federation of Dairy Cooperatives (FNCL) to stop imports of foreign dairy products are contrary to EU single market principles, Dutch groups have complained to the European Commission.


13% in some countries compared to 43% in SE Asia

Europe has world's lowest breastfeeding rates: WHO


The World Health Organisation (WHO) says rising obesity rates among mothers and ready availability and attractiveness of formula has left Europe with the world’s lowest breastfeeding rates.

65+ population to almost double to 1.1bn by 2030; protein seen as a big opportunity

Food industry fail? Elderly nutrition

By Lauren Bandy

The food industry is missing a billion euro trick when it comes to ageing population, says Lauren Bandy, senior nutrition analyst at Euromonitor International.

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