
Nationalism is not the solution - we're all in this milk price crisis together, says the Dutch Dairy Association (NZO)

Milk crisis nationalism is anti-EU, Dutch tell Commission

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Calls from the French National Federation of Dairy Cooperatives (FNCL) to stop imports of foreign dairy products are contrary to EU single market principles, Dutch groups have complained to the European Commission.

65+ population to almost double to 1.1bn by 2030; protein seen as a big opportunity

Food industry fail? Elderly nutrition

By Lauren Bandy

The food industry is missing a billion euro trick when it comes to ageing population, says Lauren Bandy, senior nutrition analyst at Euromonitor International.

Private label nutrition equal to national brands

Private label nutrition equal to national brands

By Niamh Michail

There are no major differences in nutritional content between private labels, national brands and hard discount goods – although private labels come out top for nutrition labelling, according to a French government study.

Brand names can't trump supermarket cheese hegemony


Brand names can't trump supermarket cheese hegemony

By RJ Whitehead

Australians still enjoy their cheddar. Market research by Roy Morgan Research shows that almost 85% of Australian shoppers buy some kind of cheese at least once each month

 Is fat officially back?

Whole milk, cheese and butter surge ahead; margarine, skim milk and frozen yogurt fall backwards

Who are the winners and losers in the US dairy products market?

By Elaine Watson

New data on the US retail market for dairy products reveals strong dollar sales growth for butter, whole milk, cream, kefir, and natural cheese, but a lackluster performance from low fat and skim milk, frozen yogurt and margarine, suggesting Americans...

Probiotic drinking yoghurts have been hit by the EU ban on probiotic marketing

Special edition: Immunity

Pre- & Probiotics market snap-shot; ban to cost €1.5bn by 2020 in EU6


The EU’s ban on prebiotics and probiotics as marketing tools has cost the market €500m and will cost a further €1bn by 2020 according to Euromonitor International data – and that’s just drinking yoghurt. Other formats have also been hit.

'Value has been torn out of the UK milk market in recent years, as a result of the grocery retailer price wars': Mintel

How food industry can boost milk’s value: fortify it

By Michael Stones

Fortified milk could help to boost the value of milk sales, despite supermarket price war slashing the price of the white stuff to as little as 89p for a four pint bottle, according to new research from market research organisation Mintel.

Cheese could be the next health food, industry expert suggests

Cheese could be the next health food, industry expert suggests

By Elizabeth Crawford

The tide may be changing for cheese, as science helps re-position the dairy food as a protein-dense, calcium-rich, healthy snack rather than as a high-fat and -sodium food to be enjoyed in moderation, suggests a market trends expert. 

“This expansion to the world's most populated country supports Raisio’s aim to open up new markets for Benecol products together with its licensing partners...

Benecol enters China


Finnish food-agriculture giant Raisio has launched its cholesterol-lowering, plant stanol-based Benecol brand in China in a powder form via mostly medical channels in its big coastal cities.

Consumers want milk ‘with benefits tailored to them’: Datamonitor


Consumers want milk ‘with benefits tailored to them’: Datamonitor


Dairies can recover market share lost to non-dairy alternatives, such as almond milk, by developing milk products tailored to the meet the nutritional needs of specific groups, says Datamonitor Consumer.

Winning smiles...This could be you at the NutraIngredients Awards 2016!

Gala Awards night at Vitafoods Europe, Geneva, Switzerland

NutraIngredients Awards shine spotlight on nutrition stars


200 people from the European and international food and nutrition sectors helped 20 finalists and seven winners celebrate at the inaugural NutraIngredients Awards last night at Vitafoods Europe.

Organic NPD vital to survive mainstream 'healthification'

By Niamh Michail

The organic sector has cultivated a culture of ethical awareness among consumers that conventional manufacturers are now cashing in on – and new product development is vital for the sector to retain its value, say experts.

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